

Serca excels in providing comprehensive preparation services, including design, business plan creation, and building permit acquisition. With our in-house expertise and strategic partnerships, we ensure a seamless process from conception to execution. Our meticulous attention to detail and commitment to collaboration guarantees a solid foundation for your project, streamlining the path to success.

Supplier Selection and Procurement

As a fully independent project development company, we pride ourselves on selecting the best suppliers to cater to your unique needs. Our unbiased approach allows us to meticulously analyze competing offers on a granular level, ensuring their completeness and alignment with your project requirements. As an impartial partner, our commitment is to provide you with the most suitable choices at the right price, delivering exceptional value and peace of mind.


Ensuring that suppliers deliver and construct according to the established design is crucial for your project's success. Our team diligently supervises the construction process, maintaining the highest standards of quality and execution. Should you require assistance during the facility's start-up phase, we can connect you with specialized consultants. These experts will not only help launch your farm but also provide valuable training for your staff, ensuring a seamless transition and optimal performance from the outset.